Global Raymac is the preferred industry partner for mining projects in Western Canada. We offer mapping and surveying services throughout the project lifecycle including exploration, construction, production, operation, and reclamation.
Global Raymac offers a variety of geomatics solutions for underground and surface mines including:
Terrestrial and airborne LiDAR
Aerial mapping and orthophoto
Satellite imagery
Drill collar surveys
Mineral tenure review and mining lease surveys
Legal surveys
3D tunnel surveys
Engineering surveys
Construction surveys
Mill and conveyor layout
Dam deformations surveys
UAV (drone) surveys
Above and underground high precision control surveys
Gyroscopic surveys
Bathymetric surveys
Earthworks volumes for quantity payments
Road reconnaissance surveys
GIS and asset management services
Regional geochemical sediment surveys
Blast pattern layout
Quality assurance/quality control surveys
Powerline and substation layout