Health, Safety & the Environment
Creating a safe environment for our people has always been a top priority. Our approach to achieving this is to educate our employees through our industry-leading HS&E program and by requiring our staff, contractors, and subcontractors to be leaders in safety onsite to proactively manage risk and at-risk behaviors. All occupational injury, illness, and property damage is preventable through proactive management and we are striving towards a no-incident workplace.
Our HS&E Certifications
COR Certified – Since 2006 with 98%+ in all C.O.R. audits.
ISN – Online Contractor Management Database (Member Vendor)
Comply Works – Compliance Management Solutions
PICS – Contractor Safety and Supplier Management
PIR – Partnerships in Injury Reduction Program (Registered Member Since July 2007)
IRP 16 – Industry Recommended Practice (Basic Safety Awareness Training)
If you require further information or clarification for any matters regarding Health, Safety, and Environment with Global Raymac, please contact:
Tim Woodland, Senior Manager of HSE
Global Raymac has adopted innovative health, safety, and environment program in which we’ve continually maintained operational excellence.